Parks Victoria is charged with the responsibility of maintaining this wonderful example of a prefabricated wooden bungalow (manufactured in London by Peter Thompson).
It was erected on this site in 1843 and recently suffered some unfortunate damage to the roof during a period of high wind.
A section of the roof was blown off the building during the storm and tacked back in position by emergency crews as a stop gap measure until suitable replacement material could be sourced.
Eastwood Heritage was selected to complete the repairs.
Roofing supplied was Fielders 7600 Heritage Galvanised Corrugated Iron. Fasteners were spring head nails to match the existing.
On close inspection we found the original roofing battens significantly perished. The decision was taken to install additional new OBHW batten material prior to the installation of the new roofing.
Paint was colour matched on a coat by coat basis until the painter was satisfied with the result.
Congratulations to all who worked on this project, from save work at heights right through to the final tint in the paintwork, your diligence and passion for what you do is fantastic!
View a 360° video of the repair and surrounds.